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u3a Bromley

u3a Bromley needs you! Vacancy for a treasurer.

3rd February 2025

u3a Bromley needs you! Vacancy for a treasurer
Do you like
     - working with numbers?
     - playing with spreadsheets?
     - receiving money?
     - paying bills?
And do you do on-line banking? Are you good at keeping on top of things? If so, read on.

We are seeking a new Treasurer to replace Jon Pearce. We would be very pleased to hear from anyone willing to step into Jon's shoes. (He has served 10 years and is keen to move on due to other commitments).

We have not had any response to the advert in the last newsletter so please don't wait or expect others to respond, please contact Jon now and he will be pleased to explain the role in more detail. Full training will be provided.

Tasks include:
1.  Paying bills by BACS for Room Hire, Speakers, Theatre and other outings, expenses etc.
2. Keeping up to date records of income and expenditure.
3. Ensuring the level of income from Subscriptions, Gift Aid and groups is sufficient to cover current and future obligations.
4. Attending committee meetings and reporting finance figures.
5. Balancing books at the end of the year and submitting these to the accounts examiner for approval and then agreement at the AGM.

Members please contact Jon - see January 2025 newsletter (Members' version) for his contact details.

Bromley u3a