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u3a Bromley


Local Studies

On the first Tuesday of every month except August we hold the meetings of the Local Studies Group where we have a talk by a speaker about history in London and the South East of England. These are open meetings, to which all members of u3a Bromley are welcome. There is no need to join separately, but there is a small fee to attend.

Venue: Whitfield Hall, United Reformed Church, Widmore Road, Bromley, BR1 1RY - 10:30 am to noon."

General Meetings 

Every third Tuesday we hold our General Meeting and enjoy a talk by a speaker on a general theme. These are public meetings, free to our members but Non-Members are welcome to attend for a charge of £5.00 (cash only) on the door. We will rebate that against the annual subscription fee (£20) if you join within 4 weeks of the talk.

Venue: Whitfield Hall, United Reformed Church, Widmore Road, Bromley, BR1 1RY - 10.30 am to noon.

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Bromley u3a