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u3a Bromley

More u3a benefits

Online Learning Events

Most of these opportunities are presented by members themselves; sharing their knowledge or skills with others across the movement. There are a wide range of talks on offer from well-known speakers and organisations, plus in-person events at venues like the Royal Institution.
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London Region of u3as

u3a Bromley is a member of the London Region of over 40 u3as. The London region provides additional online talks programmes and an archive of previous talks. Their Summer School, held at a London venue, is an annual highlight with talks, workshops and guided walks.
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Interest Groups Online for Members and

This is an online u3a community that gives you the opportunity to join groups, talks and courses from the comfort of your home.

As with your local u3a, the activities are run by members and are a great way to meet people from all across the u3a movement. It costs £10 to join, or £5 if you are already a member of your local u3a.
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Bromley u3a